What is the extraction of wisdom teeth?

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth usually emerge from the gums between 17 and 24. They are the last of the large molars at the back of your mouth. Some people never develop these last teeth, but you can have as many as four: one in each corner of your mouth. Wisdom tooth extraction will depend on the space in the mouth for each of the teeth. 

You usually can tell if your wisdom teeth are growing when you have some symptoms such as pain or inflammation in the area, and even infection in some cases, but these symptoms do not always appear.

When should wisdom teeth be extracted?

Wisdom teeth do not cause any problems for most people, so no tooth extraction is necessary. However, if there is not enough room for them to grow in the back of the mouth, they become what is known as impacted or impacted wisdom teeth and can cause pain, swelling, and infection, in which case the wisdom teeth need to be removed. Wisdom teeth.

Removal of wisdom teeth if there is not enough room for them to grow in the back of the mouth, as they can cause pain, swelling, and infection.

Removing your wisdom tooth surgically can relieve the symptoms of impacted molars. Your dentist may refer you to an oral surgeon for wisdom teeth surgery if it could involve further complications.

How to remove toothache at home, and what alternatives to surgery?

Some home remedies relieve toothaches, such as mouthwashes with saltwater or applying heat and cold to the cheek area.

When the pain is more severe, your doctor or dentist may recommend what you can take for your toothache. They can also advise you with an anti-inflammatory or how to reduce inflammation of the tooth. Taking painkillers or prescription antibiotics can help treat discomfort and infections if you have not yet decided to have your wisdom tooth removed. However, symptoms may return. Surgically removing wisdom teeth is often the only way to relieve their symptoms permanently.

Preparation for the extraction of wisdom teeth

Your dentist or oral surgeon will explain how to prepare for your tooth extraction. For example, if you smoke, you will be asked to stop smoking, increasing your risk of wound infection, which can delay your recovery.

The operation is usually performed under local anesthesia. This type of anesthesia completely blocks the pain in your gums, and you remain awake during the procedure. You may be offered a sedative to help you relax during the operation. If you go to a hospital and your wisdom teeth are particularly difficult to remove, you may be given a general anesthetic. This means that you will be asleep during the procedure. Your dentist or oral surgeon will let you know which type of anesthesia is best for you.

You will be asked to fast if you are given general anesthesia for your wisdom tooth removal. This means that you should not eat or drink for six hours before the operation. However, it is essential to follow the advice of your dentist or oral surgeon.

Your dentist or oral surgeon will explain what will happen before, during, and after the procedure and any pain you may have. This is your chance to understand what will happen, and you may find it helpful to prepare questions about the risks, benefits, and other alternatives to the procedure. This will help you be informed so that you can give your consent if you are asked to sign a consent form to have the wisdom tooth extraction procedure carried out. 

What is the extraction of wisdom teeth?

The wisdom tooth removal procedure will depend on how deeply impacted your teeth are. Many wisdom teeth can be extracted like any other molar. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, your dentist or oral surgeon will widen the socket (the area where the tooth is located) using an instrument called an elevator or a particular pair of forceps. He will then move the tooth from side to side until it is loose enough to be removed entirely.

However, if your tooth is more difficult to remove, your dentist or oral surgeon will cut your gums and may remove some of your jawbones to get to your tooth. This way, you can remove the wisdom tooth and then, if necessary, close the wounds with stitches.

In most cases, wisdom teeth removal usually takes only a few minutes, but more complicated issues can take 20 minutes.

What should I expect after wisdom teeth extraction?

Immediately after having your wisdom teeth removed, you should rest until the general anesthesia or sedation wears off.

After a local anesthetic, it may take several hours for your jaw to regain feeling. Be very careful not to chew on the area or eat foods or drinks too hot, as these can burn the place. You can return home when you feel ready.

If you received general anesthesia or sedation, you need to arrange for someone to drive you home. It would be best if you tried to have a friend or family member stay with you for the first 24 hours.

Before you go home, your dentist or oral surgeon will give you some tips on caring for your teeth and gums to keep in mind during your wisdom tooth extraction recovery. They can provide you with pain relievers, antibiotics, and mouthwash solutions. How many days a tooth extraction can hurt will depend on each case, but you can relieve these discomforts by following the indications and treatment prescribed by your doctor or dentist. 

They may give you a date for a consultation where they will monitor the healing of the tooth extraction. Sutures or dissolvable stitches will go away in seven to 10 days. Non-absorbable sutures or stitches are removed one week after surgery. 

It is not common for many days of rest to be needed after removing a tooth, and the healing of wisdom teeth usually evolves without significant complications.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction Recovery

Care about a wisdom tooth extraction

You must understand the care after pulling a tooth. If necessary, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Follow the instructions in the patient information leaflet that comes with the medication, and if you have any questions, ask your pharmacist. Don’t take aspirin because this can make bleeding worse.

After meals, you can gently rinse with warm saltwater. Take care not to rinse vigorously during the first 24 hours.

Do not vigorously rinse your mouth for the first 24 hours after a wisdom tooth extraction, as this can disturb the blood clots that help the healing process. After meals, you can gently rinse with warm salt water (half a teaspoon of table salt dissolved in a glass of water).

It would help if you brushed your teeth as usual but did not brush the wound for the first two days.

At first, after tooth extraction, you may feel small bone fragments with your tongue. These are the edges of the tooth socket that will disappear as soon as the gums heal.

food and drinks

To begin with, when you are recovering from a wisdom tooth extraction, you should eat soft foods and gradually return to your usual diet once your jaw feels less rigid.


If your gums bleed, fold a clean tissue or gauze pad, place it where your gum is bleeding, and bite down on it for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Do not rinse your mouth or lie down until the bleeding has stopped.

Most people do not have any problems after having their wisdom teeth removed. However, see your dentist or GP immediately if you develop any of the following symptoms:

  • bleeding that does not stop after applying pressure, or that lasts more than half an hour
  • difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • severe pain that is not relieved by pain relievers
  • high temperature
  • swelling that lasts for more than three days after the operation

After wisdom tooth extraction, how long recovery takes depends on each person and individual case, but it can last two weeks.

What are the risks?

Wisdom tooth extraction is a standard and generally safe procedure. However, to make an informed decision and give your consent, you must be aware of the possible side effects and risks of complications associated with this procedure.

Side Effects of Wisdom Teeth Extraction

These are unwanted, though mostly temporary, effects of successful treatment; for example, feeling dizzy due to general anesthesia.

Your face may be slightly swollen, bruised, sore, or have a stiff jaw for two weeks. These symptoms are usually most intense for the first two to three days and then gradually improve.

Complications of wisdom tooth extraction

They occur when problems arise during or after the operation. Most people are not affected. Possible complications of any procedure include unexpected reactions to anesthesia or excessive bleeding.

Complications specific to wisdom tooth extraction are rare but may include:

  • infections
  • accidental damage to other teeth and jaw during the operation
  • severe pain caused by dry socket – this is when the clot breaks free from the wound, exposing the bone and nerves, causing pain and slowing healing
  • numbness of the lower lip or tongue, or changes in the sense of taste: this may be caused by nerve damage, and there is a slight chance that it will be permanent
  • jaw stiffness – you may not be able to open your mouth fully

To know if you have an infection in the wisdom tooth, there is usually an intense pain in the gums and the back of the mouth that can sometimes extend to pain in the ear area, sore throat and headache, and even present fever.

The exact risks depend on your particular case and are different for each person with wisdom teeth removed, so we have not included any statistics here. Consult your dentist or oral surgeon to explain how the risks apply to you.

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