IVG: Price and reimbursement

Abortion or voluntary termination of pregnancy is accessible to all pregnant women, whether they are minors or adults. How much does it cost? What coverage is there from health insurance? What are the conditions for receiving a refund? Everything you need to know about the price and reimbursement of abortion is in this guide.

How much does an abortion cost?

The price of an abortion depends on two factors:

  • The establishment in which it is carried out (public, private, or medical practice);
  • The method used (medicinal or instrumental).

The price of a medical abortion

The reimbursement package for a medical abortion is different depending on where it is performed.

A medical abortion performed in town

Medical abortion can be performed in the city by:

  • A liberal doctor,
  • In a health center,
  • A liberal midwife,
  • In a family planning and education center.

The flat rate set for medical abortion is 100% funded. The reimbursement amount is, therefore, €183.57 (without performing an ultrasound) to €188.81 (with performing an ultrasound).

This package includes:

  • Prior consultation to give the consent of the pregnant woman;
  • A possible injection of anti-D antibodies (negative Rh blood group);
  • Two medicine dispensing consultations;
  • The price of abortion drugs;
  • A follow-up consultation.

Good to know: The first preliminary consultation, medical biology analyses, and any ultrasounds are not included in this 100% refunded package. However, these acts are fully covered by Social Security.

Medical abortion in a health facility

Medical abortion can also be performed in a public health facility.

His flat rate is then €282.91 and includes:

  • A consultation before the abortion to give the consent of the pregnant woman, if it did not take place in town;
  • A follow-up consultation with verification of the termination of pregnancy by biological analysis or ultrasound;
  • A possible injection of anti-D antibodies (negative Rh blood group);
  • Two medicine delivery consultations;
  • Preliminary laboratory analyses;
  • An ultrasound before abortion;
  • The cost of drugs.

Note: Biological examinations and ultrasounds carried out before the voluntary termination of pregnancy can be funded at 100%, on medical prescription.

The cost of medical abortion in a private establishment

In the case of a medical abortion performed in a private clinic, the overall cost of the abortion is €95.65 (without medical supervision) to €182.61 (with medical supervision). The consent collection consultation, the performance of the preliminary ultrasound, and the biological investigations after the abortion are added to this price.

The price of an instrumental abortion

The fixed price for voluntary termination of pregnancy by instrumental method carried out in a public health establishment is approximately €463.25 to €664.05. It depends on the length of hospitalization and the type of anesthesia (local or general).

This package includes:

  • A consultation before the abortion for the delivery of the consent of the pregnant woman;
  • Pre-abortion analyzes using biological and ultrasound methods;
  • Monitoring and follow-up consultation (with or without ultrasound);
  • Verification of termination of pregnancy by biological method;
  • A possible injection of anti-D antibodies, if necessary;
  • Instrumental abortion and its monitoring;
  • The pre-anesthesia consultation;
  • Local or general anesthesia;
  • Hospitality and accommodation.

Good to know: The daily fee is not charged to the patient.

The cost of an instrumental abortion in a private health facility

If the instrumental abortion is performed in a private clinic or health center, the reception and accommodation package is €233.24 without an overnight stay, to €328.55 with an overnight stay.

This package also includes:

  • Abortion, possibly associated with an injection of anti-D antibodies;
  • Consultation to obtain the consent of the pregnant woman;
  • Biological investigations before and after abortion;
  • Pre-abortion ultrasound;
  • The control consultation;
  • Anesthesia.

Is voluntary termination of pregnancy paid by Social Security?

Voluntary termination of pregnancy with medication or instruments is 100% covered by Health Insurance if it is carried out in a health establishment, health center, or city doctor.

Important: A medical abortion performed in town on an adult woman, by a doctor or a midwife, requires an advance payment from the patient.

In certain situations, abortion can be performed without advance payment for:

  • Women who come under complementary health insurance (CMU-C and ACS, for example);
  • Young female minors who are not emancipated and without parental consent;
  • Women who benefit from State Medical Aid (AME);
  • Abortions performed in health establishments.

Reimbursement of complementary health insurance

Abortion has been free since 2016 and no longer involves the intervention of mutual health insurance. However, some practitioners may exceed fees that are not reimbursed by health insurance.

Complementary health insurance can help you by reimbursing the additional costs of the abortion, provided that it is taken out before considering a voluntary termination of pregnancy.

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