What does the price of an MRI depend on?

Why is MRI done?

Specialists usually prescribe an MRI to study and analyze a certain part of the human body. This study will allow detecting and diagnosing injuries and illnesses, and monitoring some treatments. Currently, this technique is widely used and is available in most hospitals.

The most demanded MRIs are breast, abdomen, cervical, chest, head, cardiac, lumbar, and pelvic.

An MRI is a method in which powerful magnets and radio waves are used to create images of different parts of the body, making sections or cuts, and an appointment is required.

A physician’s order is required for ALL diagnostic imaging studies.

In addition to this, the patient must present himself 15 minutes before his appointment.

For an MRI with intravenous contrast medium, only patients who have kidney failure disease require a serum creatinine test.

It is very important not to stop taking regular medications prior to the study that must be accompanied by a minimum of water, for example, medications for hypertension, diabetes, etc.

If it is necessary to take a special preparation from home, our staff will provide you with the specific instructions.

How is MRI performed?

During the MRI, the patient will be lying down inside the machine (although there are open and closed ones, it is usually similar to a long, narrow tube, approximately one meter in diameter and open at its ends).

Inside the tube, the person will be surrounded by a magnetic field that reacts with the magnetic elements inside the body and transmits a weak radio signal. This signal is collected and processed in a computer, providing an image that can be displayed on the screen. The most annoying part of this test is the powerful and monotonous noise generated by the machine itself, so some professionals recommend listening to music to minimize the impact.

Meanwhile, the imaging technician will be in an adjacent room from which he will control the patient at all times and will be able to speak with him through an intercom.

Finally, throughout the test, the patient must remain still so that the results are as clear as possible.

MRI Risks

Although, as we have already detailed, the MRI is a very safe test, because it uses a very powerful magnetic field to obtain the images, people who have electronic devices or any metallic component in their body should inform the specialist before starting the test. to ensure your safety.

MRI precautions to take into account

Some examples would be:   

  • metal prostheses
  • implantable defibrillators. 
  • Heart valves.
  • Surgical staples.
  • Pacemaker.
  • Cochlear implants.
  • A bullet, shrapnel, or any other type of metal fragment.  

On the other hand, the doctor should also be informed in these situations:    

  • Suspecting a possible pregnancy.
  • If we have kidney or liver disease. In some cases, the specialist may request that contrast be applied when performing the MRI. However, these diseases can limit their use of it.
  • have tattoos Some tattoos that have used very dark inks may contain metals.

How to prepare?

Depending on the area that the expert is going to analyze, the patient may be asked to come to the test without having eaten food for at least 7 hours before.

Once you are already in the consultation you will have to remove the jewelry that is worn and the clothing that contains metallic materials.

State-of-the-art resonance devices

We have a recently installed Philips DStream 1.5 T MRI machine, which is fully digital and is Philips’ most advanced platform today. The advantages of this system are:

1. Greater comfort for the patient (less rejection due to claustrophobia).

2. Excellent quality of studies.

3. Incorporates new exploration services to the portfolio :

  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the body.
  • Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging of the prostate, rectum, perineal (fistulas), etc.
  • Breast MRI.
  • Studies of diffusion and cerebral perfusion.
  • Angiographic studies.
  • cardiology studies.
  • magnetic resonance enterography
  • Magnetic resonance for hepatic iron quantification.

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